Tuesday, March 9, 2010

In life people are constantly faced with decisions. Some are as simple as deciding what to eat for breakfast that morning, and others are more difficult such as how you want to make your living as an adult. Sometimes you will be satisfied with the choices you make, but there will be times when you will regret a choice you make, and you will have to live with the consequences of your decision. The main character, Santiago, from The Old Man and the Sea is no exception. Throughout the book, the old man, passionate about fishing, comes across many unpredictable decisions he has to make. The main decision in the book that the old man is faced with is deciding whether or not to catch the marlin, and he decides to do it. This impulsive decision had both positive and negative outcomes.
One negative outcome of Santiago’s decision is that the marlin ends up getting taken away from him, leaving the old man very disappointed. “The old man could hear the noise of skin and flesh ripping on the big fish,” (102) as he watched the shark take the marlin away from him. Now the old man had put so much hard work into catching the marlin, and he didn’t even get to keep it. He had lost the thing he wanted most, and had put all the work in for nothing. Perhaps if he had known the marlin would get taken away from him, he wouldn’t have decided to stay on his boat for three days trying to catch it.
In fact, in the end Santiago regrets catching the fish, and that is a consequence he will always have to live with. He is very apologetic towards the marlin. “‘I wish it were a dream and that I had never hooked him. I’m sorry about it, fish. It makes everything wrong’…’I shouldn’t have gone out so far, fish,’ he said. ‘Neither for you nor for me. I’m sorry, fish,’” (110). The old man feels that he killed the fish for no reason. It ended up not being beneficial to him in any way, and he felt that he took the life of a fish he loved and respected even though the fish did not deserve this. You would expect the man to be very happy and giddy about his catch, but instead he is resentful.
Another reason Santiago probably shouldn’t have decided to catch the marlin was the fact that his hand got all cut up because of it. “The bird had flown up when the line jerked and the old man had not even seen him go. He felt the line carefully with his right hand and noticed his hand was bleeding,” (55-56). He got many severe cuts and a fairly painful hand cramp because of his decision to catch the fish.
Despite the many negative outcomes of the old man’s decision, there was actually a positive one. “He had gone eighty-four days now without taking a fish…the old man was now definitely and finally salao, which is the worst form of unlucky,” (9). Santiago was beginning to become very hopeless, but he remind optimistic and stayed devoted to his fishing. He is patient, and eventually catches the marlin, breaking is unlucky streak. Though he didn’t actually get to keep the fish, he still had the credit and pride that came along with catching a fish that big. Also, people wouldn’t consider him as unsuccessful or like a bad fisherman anymore because he was able to capture such a large fish.
Every decision you make throughout your life will have either a positive or negative result, and some will have both. At times you will have to accept the consequences of making a bad decision and feeling remorseful, like the old man did, and other times you will be rewarded with the positive outcomes of your good decision.


  1. 1. The thesis of this story is how the choices Santiago and their positive and negative outcomes. It is quite clear seeing that it is stated at several points throughout the essay.It did engage me because she backed it up with a lot of details that really convinced me of her points.
    2.I believe that the quotation “‘I wish it were a dream and that I had never hooked him. I’m sorry about it, fish. It makes everything wrong’…’I shouldn’t have gone out so far, fish,’ he said. ‘Neither for you nor for me. I’m sorry, fish,’” (110) is the strongest. This is because it really shows the reader Santiago's feelings and helps them get a better idea of the topic.
    3. I think the strongest points of this essay were the use of the quotations. They were well chosen and seemed to blend in with the essay. They also explained her topic and main points better.
    4. I believe that the weakest point of this essay was the lack of detail and anyalysis. Although she did explain some things, the rest seemed to be just kind of summary. It would be better if she really explained how the choices affected him.

  2. I. The thesis of the story is that Santiago makes a decision to catch the marlin, and it has both positive and negative outcomes. It engages me, but it could be a little more engaging if you used more unique vocabulary to express it better. I think it is a good thesis though, because it definitely introduces the subject of the essay.

    II. I think the first quotation was the best,because it was integrated into the text well. The way that you finished the sentence made it really successful in fully showing your idea. It gave the reader more understanding, so when you analyzed what was going on, the reader really agrees with what you are saying.

    III. I think that the quotations that you used were the best aspect of your essay. I thought they supported your thesis very well, and they supported what you were trying to explain. You also did a good job at analyzing the essays that you chose.

    IV. I think that the weakest part of your essay is your vocabulary. You should try to use better words so that it is more engaging and interesting for Mr. BG when he grades it. I also think that you can go a little deeper into your analysis.

  3. The thesis of Melanie E. Young’s blog was that the Old Man decided to catch the marlin. The thesis is clear and concise. I like it. It was well written. “The old man could hear the noise of skin and flesh ripping on the big fish,” (102) This was my favorite quote because it was very descriptive. It paints a very good picture in my mind of the scene. I like it. Mel had a very strong essay including the intro. They were worded well and it was awesome. The weakest part was the conclusion. I felt it was very redundant and could have been a bit better. But keep up the good work.
    Your pal, Sean

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. The essay's thesis was the positive and negatives of Santiago's decision: whether to catch the marlin, or not too. This statement is very clear from it's start, and throughout the essay. It is clear for, it is repeatedly brought up to remind the reader that the author is saying, "'this' is my focus." The most appealing quote was, “The old man could hear the noise of skin and flesh ripping on the big fish,” (102) It had character, and was very descriptive. Refering back to descriptive, that would be the one word summary to wrap up this essay. I enjoy the fact that the topics have smooth transitions. Most definitlely, the weakest part in this essay is a few body paragraphs. I feel they are a bit redundant with the sentence vocabulary. It could be much richer. How the quotes were integrated should also be looked over.
    ~Great Job Mel!

  6. 1. Mel’s thesis is that everyone makes decisions and they have to face the consequences. It is clear. Although it isn’t very concise you have to read the whole first paragraph to understand it.
    2. “‘I wish it were a dream and that I had never hooked him. I’m sorry about it, fish. It makes everything wrong’…’I shouldn’t have gone out so far, fish,’ he said. ‘Neither for you nor for me. I’m sorry, fish,’” (110). I feel this is the best quote not only because it is integrated well, but because it really shows the main decision of Santiago. The others showed the consequences of the decisions.
    3. The conclusion of Mel’s essay was extremely well written. “Despite the many negative outcomes of the old man’s decision, there was actually a positive one.” This shows that there is always a positive side to every decision.
    4. This essay has a few grammar mistakes. Just read over the essay and make the minor changes. Also add to some of the description paragraphs. This will make the essay more interesting to read.

  7. The essays thesis is that the main decision that Santiago has to make is whether or not to catch the marlin. I thought it was very clear. It stood out to me and was easy to find.
    “The bird had flown up when the line jerked and the old man had not even seen him go. He felt the line carefully with his right hand and noticed his hand was bleeding,” (55-56). I thought you blended this quote well into your essay. It showed that his had was badly cut, and how he had to be careful while fishing.
    I also thought your essay was very well organized. I also thought it had a good conclusion. It made me want to keep reading.
    I think you should check your vocab and add some more interesting words. You should also add some detail to some of your body paragraphs.
